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At Chabad of Cheviot Hills
Holiday Date
April 12 - 20, 2025
Order Shmurah Matzah
Sell Your Chametz
Seder RSVP
Assist The Poor
Moshiach Feast Reservation
Pesach Schedule
Seder RSVP
Seder RSVP
The Seder is the traditional Passover meal that includes reading, drinking 4 cups of wine, telling stories, eating special foods, singing, and other Passover traditions.
Make this night different from all other nights!
- A Warm and interactive family style Passover dinner
- Enjoy meaningful explanations and insights
- Fine Passover dining with tasty wines (Including Handmade Shmura Matza and traditional Seder plate foods)
- No Prior Knowledge required
All are welcome - Open invitation to your family and friends
Space is limited - RSVP today!
Pre-made reservations only!
Event Info:
Apr 22, 8:00PM - Apr 23, 2024 8:30PM
Due to Shabbat observance this form is currently disabled
Due to the sanctity of
, this form cannot accept new submissions until
Saturday, February 8, 6:10 PM
Thank you.