Preschool Curriculum

The early childhood years are a unique time for your child.  Young children are discovering a world that is filled with wonder and excitement.  This stage of life is very precious.  Our children are growing from being dependent toddlers to a more independent preschooler.  Our program will prepare your child with life skills by offering a variety of learning centers.  The centers will challenge the total child: physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively. 

The Gan Preschool of Cheviot Hills recognizes that every child has individual learning styles and play interests.  With this in mind, we provide a differentiated curriculum that is adapted for each child.  For example, if a child expresses an interest in art, we will provide the opportunities and encourage the child to draw, paint and print.

Our integrated curriculum is a seamless weave, combining language, art, drama, music, math, science and Jewish holidays through a thematic/multiple intelligence approach.

Children will be able to challenge and cultivate their skills by engaging in both child initiated and teacher directed activities.  Skills that promote independence and self-esteem are key factors in success at this stage.  The activities presented lay the foundation for future life long learning.  

Dramatic Play and Creative Arts

Children have the opportunity to work individually and in a group to promote socialization. 

  • Participation in block building, creative arts, drama, and role playing with other children
  • Ahavat Yisroel, respecting and helping each other
  • Explore types of work and workers including modes of transportation
  • Explore a variety of art processes: painting, drawing, sculpture, weaving, collage, etc.
  • Use a variety of art materials: crayons, tempera paint, watercolor paint, colored pencils, markers, oil pastels, art chalk, clay
  • Experiment with mixing paint colors
  • Singing, dancing and movement:
  • Sing traditional songs and songs that enhance the curriculum
  • Use scarves, rhythm sticks, and bean bags to practice rhythms
  • Use a variety of musical instruments
  • Dramatize familiar stories
  • Act out the movements and sounds of animals

Social Skills

  • Practice problem-solving skills in social situations
  • Work in groups or with a partner on a variety of projects
  • Share classroom materials with the group
  • Practice using manners: please, thank you, excuse me, table manners
  • Communicate his/her needs
  • Take care of his/her own basic needs: clean up, fasten clothing, use tissue as needed, etc.
  • State personal information: first and last name, age, school name

Math and Manipulatives

Most concepts are learned as children go about their day engaged in developmentally appropriate play.  As children begin a project they are encouraged to provide closure as well, this instills the pre-math concept of completion.  During clean up, children are able to sort and classify as they put away materials in their assigned areas.  During water play and sand play, children are exposed to weights and measurements.  As children build in the block area they are exposed to spatial relationships and gravity. 

  • Problem solving
  • One-to-one correspondence of objects
  • Matching, classifying, and grouping
  • Sorting by various attributes: color, shape, size
  • Sizes: small, medium, large
  • Shapes: square, rectangle, circle, triangle
  • Matching: symbols, shapes, patterns, etc.
  • Same and Different
  • More, Less, Same
  • Time: Day and Night
  • Money: Explore through games, songs, and pretend play
  • Basic introduction to size and weights

Language Arts and Literacy

Your child will be exposed to a variety of language experiences.   

  • Develop fine motor skills: play dough, scissors, writing utensils, blocks, etc.
  • Use of symbols in art and drawing
  • Understanding their own experiences
  • Dramatic play with a variety of props
  • Circle time and storytelling
  • Reading with adults
  • Exposure to alphabet- Hebrew and English : letter names and sounds
  • Book Handling Skills
  • Build new vocabulary
  • Build listening skills
  • Strengthen visual discrimination
  • Sequencing


  • Explore science tools: magnets, prisms, magnifying glasses, etc.
  • Experience the world through nature walks, gardening, and other explorations
  • Sand play, digging and constructing
  • Exercising, climbing and jumping
  • Observe plant growth
  • Observe weather and plant life during each season
  • Measure and mix ingredients in cooking activities
  • Identify basic colors and explore color mixing
  • Make observational drawings and dictation
  • Explore the world with the five senses
  • Investigate animals, the homes they live in, the food they eat

 Jewish Traditions and Holidays

  • Imbuing children with a love and joy for Jewish tradition
  • Hebrew songs
  • Exposure to Hebrew Alphabet
  • Jewish Values, customs and history made relevant and meaningful